Back to the Hospital
I’m writing this from the hospital on Tues Nov 8th. I just read the last post since the operation, Two Pig Valve Replacement (TPVR). That’s’ what I’m naming my operation. It has been since the 29th, but lots happened in the time being.
I’m back at Keck because I talked the Docs into releasing me when I thought I can make it on my own. (Cowboys, army men, John McClane (Die Hard) can all take a bullet and they still go strong, why not me?
So I can’t. TPVR is really hard on your body and any energy you think you have. I thought I could make it but, come to find out I’m not so tough, + I scared those around me who were having to see my slow deterioration.
I had so much fluids build up on my lungs that it was very hard to push out /pull in a breath. They had me on a fluid reducing pill, bumetainde, but it couldn’t keep up with the liquids surrounding my heart.
So I’m in the hospital for a “few days”, but I’m not going to be pushing them to let me out.
I will be writing in the next few days about what happened before I came back and when I was here after TBVR.
Excuse #1. My brain stops working- I get real foggy about what I’m trying to say.
Excuse #2. Tiredness helps me overlook mistakes in typing, spelling words and grammar.